You can make money with reproductions of my art!
Developed to help retail business of selling art, gifts, home decor, office decor, designer, interior designer, or allied industries. take advantage of cost savings.
NOTE: To buy original work at wholesale prices you must be an established art gallery or established art dealer. Wholesale orders are for resale only, they are not intended for personal use.
Howard Kline Studio Wholesale Account Program
In order to qualify for this program you must meet the following criteria:
· Provide a Tax Exempt Account Number
· Proof of Business and physical address
· Minimum $500 per order
Tax Exempt Account Number
In order to qualify for tax exemption, Arizona law requires us to obtain a record of your certificate.
Please provide that information on the form below.
You can obtain a sellers permit for Arizona here:
Once you have obtained a Sellers Permit, Please fill out THIS FORM and print it.
Proof of Business
To qualify, please provide proof of business establishment through one of these options: a professional web site showing your business; business card or photo showing a physical location.
To Obtain Your Wholesale Account:
Please mail or email your printed Arizona Resale Certificate form and proof of business to:
You mail also download the following apps to scan and email your Resale Certificate.
CamScanner from the App Store for your Apple Device
CamScanner from the Google Play Store for your Android Device
Howard Kline Studio
Phone: (520) 344-7885
Please call Chris at (520) 344-7885, Click Here or send an email to: with the best time to reach you to discuss your order.